May Lecture: The Famine in East Clare

We are delighted to announce our May lecture! After our brief sojourn in April to a different venue to hear about the amazing Clarke windows in St Flannan’s church, we are back ‘home’ in Wood and Bell Café on Main St, Killaloe (we occupy the large venue room at the back of the café, and we thank the management for allowing us to hold our monthly lectures there free of charge!).

On Wednesday 30th May 2018, at 7pm, Gerard Madden will deliver a lecture on The Great Famine in East Clare. The Scarriff workhouse was built to accommodate 600 people, and opened in May 1842. Two years later, there was almost 2000 people within the walls, and over 6000 people without. Come and hear the stories of the victims of the Great Hunger in East Clare/ South Galway. Ger has recently published a new book on the famine in East Clare called The Annals of the Poor, and copies will be available to purchase on the night. Ger will also bring along some of his previous titles, and these sold out at his massively popular January lecture, so bring a few bob if you want to snag one this time! You can browse his books on his website here.

See you on the evening of the 30th of May. Remember, entry is FREE and everyone is welcome. Please help us promote this talk by sharing this post, our website, or the Facebook eventHere is a higher quality version of the poster for printing, if you fancy going that bit further and sticking one up on your office noticeboard! Every little helps. Thanks so much!

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